You can tap the country flag on top to add more languages and switch between them


Learn Spanish, French and more

You can tap the country flag on top to add more languages and switch between them

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It quizzes you with audio and visual questions to make you understand and to increase recall
There are posts by other learners and mini "games" that help you test your skills
The onboarding asks you select a language and pick a daily learning goal
During login, it asks for your age, name, email and password
You earn crystals as you complete lessons. You can buy more from the Shop tab
Gamification badges and progress
Achievement leveled up modal
The curriculum is arranged linearly as a timeline with tests interspersed in between

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The onboarding involves a long series of questions to create your health profile
Splash screen and permissions
Cake Browser
Onboarding checklist: Quick tips
Splash screen and onboarding explain how the app works and creates a welcome scene