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Kitchen Stories

Cooking & baking

AJNS New Media

Verena Hubertz

Founder & MD

Katherine Pihl

Product Designer

Julie Myers

Head of Creative

Amina Urkumbayeva

Communication Designer

Steven Gillmann

Senior Product Manager

Food app with high quality imagery and videos. It lets you search for recipes, add to collections and save the ingredients in a shopping list.
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October 2018
App Store screenshots
Top level tabs
Recipe page
About the team
Splash and welcome screen. It shows you high quality video snippets related to food
If you're a new user, it shows you a few slides about how the app works
Home screen. The cards use high quality photography to showcase recipes
Transition from home screen to recipe detail screen
Tab with a list of How Tos
Recipe detail screen. When you tap add to cookbook, it prompts you to login or signup
Signing up with email. Empty state for profile
Saving recipe to cookbook
Adding a recipe's ingredients to shopping list
Gallery of photos on a recipe page
Create a new cook book
Loading state when you return to the app
Searching for recipes
Filtering by category, diet, cuisine and more
About page. Photos of their team, treat the team to a meal via in app purchase
Settings page