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Calendar by Moleskine

Moleskine Srl

Ben Hamey

Founder & Designer

Nathan Hamey


Michael Del Borrello

Technical Director

Simon Burbidge

Lead iOS Developer

Alex Louden

Product Engineer

Adam Shaw

iOS Developer

Packed with microinteractions and delightful animations. Great app to look at for interaction design inspiration. In fact, it's one of the apps you see installed on demo iPhones at Apple stores.
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October 2018
App Store screenshots
Onboarding and asking for permissions
Pick your favourite color to customize the app
Top level pages
Getting started
Coach marks
Hourly weather on 3D touch
Create calendar event
Event page
Change app icon
Smart alerts
What's new
Splash screen, welcome and calendar permissions
Pick favourite color to personalize the app
Coach mark for swiping left
Coach mark for swiping right
Coach marks after clicking on a calendar date
Press and hold on weather, swipe interactions to explore more
Pull down on day page to create an event
Event saved, event page
Change app icon
Search my calendar
Smart alerts
Getting Started
Left menu, navigating by month
How To Guide
Clock on the bottom right
What's new
Account & settings
Swiping between day detail pages