1. Share button on top right of product page. Share on WeChat, QQ, QZone, or as an image with a QR code
  2. Generated image while sharing. Shows product price, title, name of person who shared and a QR code to download the app
  3. When screenshot is taken, it affixes QR code to bottom right and brings up sharing options
  4. Share options after payment. Share on WeChat, QQ, QZone, QR code, screenshots or with a voice note. Recording a voice note makes it show up on the webpage you share with friends (Screenshot credit: GGV Capital on YouTube: How Pinduoduo works)

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Pinduoduo (拼多多)

Product screen: Overview
Mini app in WeChat
Home page elements
Daily check ins
Card Gamification: Function Cards
Checkout experience
New user experience and onboarding
Top level navigation tabs
Card Gamification: Overview
Card Gamification: Category Cards
App Store Screenshots
Card Gamification: Behaviour Cards
Profile and more tab
Product screen: Sections

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