Card Gamification: Function Cards

Pinduoduo (拼多多)
Social and group shopping

These are cards that give you special privileges within the app. You can get them by unlocking and using certain Behaviour Cards.
Spelt Card: Use it to cancel order to be shared and get a refund (active product order cannot be cancelled). How to get: Use the Check-In Card and the Tycoon Card
Free Card: Use it to automatically buy the item again if your order expired before your friend joins. You can awlays manually remove this on the order details page. How to get: Get 2 times per cumulative confirmation receipt
Offer Resurrection Card: Renewable coupons expired in the last 30 days can be revived (shop vouchers, full coupon voucher can not be revived, each voucher can only be revived once). How to get: Use the Check-In Card and the Night Owl Card